Row over childcare costs goes on

Parents will have to pay €375 a year more for childcare if the proposed cuts in government subsidies are spread across the board according to ‘confidential’ cabinet calculations, say various media on Tuesday morning.

The reports follow a claim by the childcare providers organisation MOGroep yesterday that parents could face an increase of around €1,400 in childcare costs next year.
This was immediately dismissed as total nonsense by junior education minister Sharon Dijksma, says today’s Telegraaf.
At present parents contribute around 19% to the cost of crèches, pre and after school care but according to inside sources this will rise to 23% next year, says the paper.
The Telegraaf says that the proposed cuts in childcare subsidies will lead to a major clash between the two main coalition parties, Christian Democrats and Labour. According to the paper Labour wants higher income families to bear the brunt of the cuts while the CDA wants them to be spread across the board.
The cabinet confirmed on Friday that parents will have to pay more for childcare because the budget for government subsidies has been exceeded by around €500m this year. Details of the cuts will not formally be made public until the September budget.

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