Murder of activist was revenge on squatters’ movement

The 38-year-old man from Rotterdam who has confessed to the murder of left-wing activist Louis Sévèke wanted revenge on the squatting movement and claims to have been involved in several left-wing terrorist attacks, reports Thursday’s Volkskrant.

The man, identified only as Marcel T, believed he was seen by Sévèke’s research bureau, which investigated the secret service, as an infiltrator and was worried he would be thrown out of the squatting movement.
The claims are made in autobiographical notes which have been read by police investigating the murder of Sévèke, the paper says.
In these notes, Marcel T also claims that he was an explosives expert for the radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front. The group claimed responsibility for attacks on the BASF building in Arnhem in 1996 and the French financial institutions Banque Paribas and Credit Lyonnais in 1995.
Marcel T was arrested in an internet café in Barcelona on March 16 and extradited to the Netherlands. A number of international arrest warrants were outstanding for the suspect who is also wanted in connection with armed robberies in Noord-Brabant, Utrecht and Zeeland. Last week the justice department announced that Marcel T has confessed to the murder of Sévèke.
Sévèke (41) was shot dead 18 months ago in Nijmegen. Both he and Marcel T were involved in the squatting movement in the 1990s.

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