Police arrest seven in celebrity armed robbery investigation

Police take away a car which is part of the investigation. Photo: Politie.nl
Police take away a car which is part of the investigation. Photo: Politie.nl

Dutch police have arrested seven people in connection with a string of burglaries and armed robberies involving celebrities and wealthy individuals.

The victims are thought to include influencer Nikkie de Jager, better known as Nikkie Tutorials, who was attacked at her home in Uden in August, and football analyst Rene van der Gijp, who was threatened at his home in Rotterdam.

Attacks were also carried out on celebrities living in Rotterdam, Krimpen aan den IJssel and Rockanje and several other locations, police said.

The seven men, aged 19 to 24, were arrested at their homes in Rotterdam and Ridderkerk. Police also seized a car, expensive watches and jewelry, designer clothes and bags, and ammunition during the raids.

The investigation into the burglaries started several months ago after detectives noted similarities in both the method and goods which were stolen.

‘The suspects were after expensive watches, jewelry and money,’ detective Arjan de Zwart said in a statement. ‘Nor were they afraid of using violence, and in a couple of cases threatened their victims with a gun or actually attacked them.’

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