Liberal MP and Wilders clash over support for Greece

The ruling Liberal VVD and alliance partner PVV clashed in parliament on Thursday during a debate on extra support for Greece.

VVD parliamentary party leader Stef Blok said PVV leader Geert Wilders is ‘irresponsible’ to call for Greece to leave the euro and to urge the government to refuse to loan any more money.
Blok said he is ‘totally opposed’ to Wilders in terms of his standpoint on Europe. The anti-Islam party leader’s vision is ‘demonstrably damaging’ to Dutch workers and pensioners, Blok said.

Wilders said on Wednesday that Greece should replace the euro with the drachma. ‘Billions of euros of Dutch tax money are going into the bottomless pit in corrupt Greece and we will never see any of it back,’ the Telegraaf quotes Wilders as saying.
Later he went on to describe Greece as a drug addict. ‘It is a junkie and you don’t lend them money,’ Nos quoted him as saying.
Nos correspondent Ron Fresen said it is the first time the alliance partners have clashed so openly.
The current Dutch government is a minority administration made up of the VVD and Christian Democrats. The PVV has agreed to support the alliance on economic policy in return for tighter immigration controls.
On Wednesday evening central bank president Nout Wellink told a television talk show Wilder’s comments are nonsense and dangerous.
‘Europe is a region where all economies, financial institutions and markets are interconnected,’ he said. ‘Failing to help Greece would not only be bad for the Greeks, but also for ourselves.’
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