Afghan police mission in trouble: GroenLinks, ChristenUnie against

The planned police training mission to Afghanistan is unlikely to get the go ahead from parliament in this week’s vote, now two other parties appear to be planning to vote against it.

The left-wing green party GroenLinks, one of the original architects of the plan, is against the mission in its current form. And all MPs for the small Christian party ChristenUnie oppose the mission, the NRC reports on Tuesday afternoon.
According to news agency ANP, GroenLinks, ChristenUnie and the Liberal democrats D66 have held talks on Tuesday to discuss strategy.
‘Our motion for a civilian police training mission has not been put together properly by the cabinet,’ GroenLinks leader Jolande Sap said on Monday evening. The plan in its current form has too great an emphasis on the military aspects, Sap was quoted as saying by Trouw.


The party leader was speaking at the end of a day of questioning of experts and Afghan officials by MPs. The minority government wants to send a 545-strong group of police trainers and soldiers to Afghanistan to train local officials.
In addition, MPs are also said to have been shocked by a military intelligence report into security in the northern region of Kunduz, where the mission would be based. The report is confidential and MPs could not discuss its findings, Trouw says.
According to the Telegraaf, GroenLinks and the Liberal democrats D66 have demanded an extra meeting with prime minister Mark Rutte to discuss the findings.


Labour, the SP and anti-Islam PVV have already said they will vote against the plan, leaving the government without a majority.
Internationally, this would be an enormous loss of face, Trouw writes in its analysis.

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