€100m subsidy for energy research

The cabinet has approved five energy subsidy programmes totalling over €100m. In a statement published on Friday, the government said the money is intended to stimulate the use of renewable energy, improve energy efficiency and reduce the emission of greenhouse gases.

One of the programmes is a joint initiative by the energy research centre ECN and the Delft, Twente and Eindhoven universities. They have been awarded €30m to accelerate the application of new energy-related technology such as the development of lightweight material to reduce the cost of wind turbines.
Another €30m is going each to promote energy efficiency in buildings and the development of a green transport system.
The fourth programme (€12.85m) focuses on a more efficient use of energy by industry through utilising the heat generated by industrial processes.
A further €6.67m has been allocated to research into green fuels. The first project will concentrate on algae but at a later phase other sources, such as biomass, will be included.

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