Royal couple arrive in Oman

Crown prince Willem Alexander and princess Máxima arrived in Oman on Thursday night for a three-day official visit to the Gulf state.

The couple are due to travel on to the United Arab Emirates for a further three days, the state information service RVD said.
The aim of the trip is to boost economic ties between the Netherlands and the Gulf states.
The royal couple is accompanied by junior economic affairs minister Frank Heemskerk, says the Telegraaf. Much of the six-day tour will consist of meetings, seminars and talks with the prince and princess laregly following separate programmes, the paper says.
For example, while Willem Alexander attends a seminar on water management in Abu Dhabi, Maxima will meet succesful businesswomen to talk about the position of women in the strongly Islamic state.
And while Willem Alexander meets the president and crown prince of the UAE, Maxima will meet the crown prince’s wife and mother, the RVD says.

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