Care home resuscitation age limit under fire

The health inspectorate is to begin an investigation into a care home in Amersfoort which does not resuscitate the over-70s unless they have specifically stated they want to continue living.

MPs reacted furiously to the news, which emerged at the weekend, and called on health minister Ab Klink to make a statement.
The 70 limit is ‘serious age discrimination’ which must be ended immediately, the AD quotes Christian Democrat MP Ans Willemse as saying.
Labour (PvdA) MP Agnes Wolbert says the age limit is bizarre. ‘As a care home resident you should assume you get the best possible care, but this does not appear to be the case here,’ she tells the AD.
‘Care homes should always resuscitate unless someone has said they want to be able to die, not the other way round,’ Socialist MP Henk van Gerven tells the AD.
Hans Olgers, the director of the St Pieters en Bloklands Gasthuis care home said people’s records are always consulted if they are in need of resuscitation. He said nursing staff would discuss the issue with residents again.
News of the policy emerged through a letter to residents and family, NOS tv reports. ‘From August 1, we are introducing the policy of ‘no unless’,’ wrote care manager Marion Rombout. ‘In an acute situation, you will not be resuscitated unless you have said that you wish this to happen.’
NOS says the Amersfoort care home is the first in the country known to operate such a policy.

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