Amsterdam ‘not guilty’ in Probo Koala case

Amsterdam city council should not be taken to court in connection with the Probo Koala toxic waste scandal, because its officials made mistakes while carrying out their ordinary duties, the city’s lawyers said in court yesterday.

Judges are currently hearing preliminary proceedings in the case against the city, Amsterdam-based oil trader Trafigura and waste disposal company APS. The case focuses on the period the Probo Koala was in Amsterdam in July 2006.
The ship later left the port with its cargo of toxic waste which was subsequently dumped in Ivory Coast, apparently leading to a number of deaths.
The Financieele Dagblad reports that Trafigura lawyers are trying to have all references to the Ivory Coast disaster removed from the proceedings.
The court will rule on the admission of witnesses and statements next week, the Volkskrant says.

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