Majority backs EU membership

A large majority of the population supports Dutch membership of the European Union although there is a hardcore 8% who are extremely anti-EU, according to a study by the government’s leading social policy advisor, the SCP.

In its report published on Friday, the SCP says that those who are dissatisfied with the way things are in the Netherlands, distrustful of their fellow citizens and do not feel that politicians represent their opinions are the most negative about the EU.
The level of Dutch support for the EU varies per survey, says ANP news service. According to the EU’s own statistics, 75% of the Dutch are positive about the organisation, compared with an European average of 60%.
The latest SCP survey also concludes that the Dutch press give Europe ‘noticeably less attention’ that the British and French media.
Nevertheless Dutch media interest has grown since the 1990s although this tends to focus on crises and disagreements within the EU, says ANP.

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