Ex-minister ready for activist mercy mission

Former Dutch foreign affairs minister Ben Bot is prepared to go to Iran to plea for an amnesty for the Dutch human rights campaigner Abdullah al Mansouri who has been sentenced to death.

Bot made the offer in a radio interview on Monday evening but added that such a delegation would first need to know that it would be allowed into Iran. ‘It’s too crazy for words that a Dutchman should be sentenced to death there,’ said Bot.
Meanwhile ANP news service reports that the Socialist Party is organising a wake in support of Al Mansouri in front of the Iranian embassy in The Hague this evening
The Dutch foreign affairs ministry knew two weeks ago about the death penalty imposed by Iran on Dutch human rights activist Abdullah al Mansouri, the Volkskrant reports on Tuesday.
The Telegraaf reports that Iran is prepared to delay the execution of one of Al Mansouri’s fellow activists for the equivalent of €70,000.

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