ChristenUnie urged to exclude gays

Orthodox Christian party ChristenUnie should ban homosexuals from becoming party officials, according to Amsterdam local councillor Yvette Lont.

Lont wants to introduce a motion to this effect at the party conference on November 17, reports Wednesday’s Trouw.
Local party chairman Chris van Andel told Trouw he is not happy at the way Lont has raised the issue. While he does want the role of practising homosexuals within the party discussed, it should be done internally, he said.
‘It is a difficult issue that we need to deal with more broadly,’ he said, adding that the position of divorcees and unmarried couples within the party should also be considered.
ChristenUnie forms part of the current coalition government and has five MPs in parliament.
Earlier this year, Lont described homosexuality as a sin which merited ‘spiritual death’.

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