Dutch minnows take on best in cricket cup

The Dutch cricket team, one of the six official minnows (small fish) in the 16-nation cricket World Cup, are out to enjoy themselves in the tournament which takes place in the Caribbean and runs until April 28.

Critics often say the appearance of no-hopers like the Netherlands simply serves to hold-up the real event but the Dutch are determined to make the most of the experience.
‘We are playing against the best two cricketing nations in the world, and that in itself will be unforgettable,’ Dutch captain Luuk van Troost told ANP.
The Netherlands opens its campaign in St Kitts on Friday against South Africa, number one in the world rankings. On Sunday Oranje face title-holder Australia and on March 22, Scotland. ‘If we win that match, our tournament will have been a success,’ says Van Troost.
The Dutch squad is largely made up of amateurs, picked from a pool of just 5,000 players. Van Troost, for example, is the deputy director of a special school in Amstelveen. However, several of the Dutch team, including star player Bas Zuiderent, do have English county cricket experience.
The Dutch team and its small band of family and supporters have taken over a cafe in the centre of the St Kitts’ capital Basseterre, painted it orange and renamed it Holland House – a tradition with Dutch international teams.

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