Row over dual nationality hits cabinet

The row over dual nationality has hit the popularity of the new government, according to an opinion poll by Maurice de Hond. Compared with the November election result, both the Christian Democrats and PvdA (Labour) would have six fewer seats if the election was held now, the poll showed. ChristenUnie, the third party in the coalition, would be unchanged on six.

Two junior ministers in the new government have dual nationality.
Of CDA supporters, 58% said ministers should not be allowed to have two nationalities.
Both Geert Wilder’s anti-immigration party PVV and VVD (free market liberals) would have four more seats, the poll showed. The PVV raised the issue of dual nationality in parliament last week.
On Friday night the row spilled over to the royal family when outgoing integration minister Rita Verdonk said Princess Maxima should give up her Argentinian nationality. Argentina is one of a number of countries which do not allow citizens to renounce their nationality.

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