Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. Announces Listing of Public Shares Due to Conversion of Management Shares


Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (LN:PSH) (LN:PSHD) (NA:PSH) (“PSH” or the
“Company”) today announced that application has been made for 200,343
Public Shares of no par value in the Company to be admitted to the
Official List of the FCA and to trade on the Main Market of the London
Stock Exchange and Euronext Amsterdam. This application is being made
pursuant to the conversion of 185,949 Management Shares by current and
former PSCM employees into 200,343 Public Shares. When issued, these
shares will rank pari passu with the existing Public Shares.

It is expected that the admission of these shares will become effective,
and dealings will commence, at 8:00 a.m. BST on 8 April 2019. Following
admission, the number of Public Shares that the Company has in issue
with be 216,816,437.

About Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd.

Pershing Square Holdings, Ltd. (LN:PSH) (LN:PSHD) (NA:PSH) is an
investment holding company structured as a closed-ended fund that makes
concentrated investments principally in North American companies.


Ed Gascoigne-Pees / Hazel Stevenson +44 020 3757 4989

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