Gay ambassadors quit, Feyenoord to blame

Rotterdam skylineThe seven prominent Rotterdammers appointed gay ambassadors four years ago are quitting because the professional football clubs will not work with them.

The ambassadors were appointed to bring homosexuality out into the open and to visit schools and sports clubs in the city to talk about it.

Visits to schools have been successful, but the football clubs, and in particular Feyenoord, have refused to work with the ambassadors.

Ambassador Joke Ellenkamp told Trouw that a small football club told her the subject of homosexuality was not relevant because they had no gays. ‘The large clubs are an example for the smaller ones and they have the same mentality,’ she said.

The ambassadors expected the council which appointed them to support them and insist on the sports clubs allowing them to visit and discuss the subject. But this support has not materialised so they are quitting.

The council is now concentrating on advertising the city to tourists as a destination for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgenders.

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