Young teenagers can still buy alcohol easily

Youngsters under the age of 16 can easily buy alcohol in shops and supermarkets, according to research by students at Twente University.

They sent 14 and 15-year-olds to a total of 236 shops to try to buy alcohol – which they managed to do in almost every case, Nos television says.
Shopkeepers are supposed to ask for ID if they have doubts about someone´s age but this rarely happened, the researchers said.
Dutch teenager are among the heaviest drinkers in Europe. The government is planning to introduce fines for under-16s caught with alcohol in public.
Now 16 and 17-year-olds can buy beer and wine, but consumption of spirits is confined to the over 18s.

Young drunks

The new government has abandoned the previous administration’s plans to allow local authorities to increase the age at which teenagers can buy alcohol from 16 to 18 if they have a problem with juvenile drunks.
Research published last year shows teenagers who drink so much alcohol they end up in hospital are most likely to get drunk at a friend’s house.

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