Dutch tanker shot at in Indian ocean

A Dutch tanker travelling 1,000 km off the coast of Tanzania has been shot at by pirates who attempted to hijack the ship, ANP reports.

No-one was injured in the attack, which was launched from two smaller boats. The Jo Cedar managed to out-manoeuvre the pirate boats, ANP quoted the company’s Dutch director as saying.
The tanker, owned by the Dutch arm of international shipping company Jo Tankers, was slightly damaged but is continuing on its journey to Mombassa in Kenya, ANP said.
The tanker, carrying oil and chemicals, has a crew of 31, including eight Dutch nationals.
Earlier this year, two Dutch tankers were taken over by pirates operating in the Gulf of Aden.
A slim majority of Dutch MPs are in favour of placing military teams on board ships travelling through areas where pirates are known to operate.

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