Labour party membership is ‘growing’

Membership of the Labour party (PvdA) is growing, despite the party’s problems in the polls, according to newspaper group GPD.

The papers quote party chairwoman Liliane Ploumen as saying 100 new members are signing up every week, while 75 are resigning.
New members value the way finance minister and party leader Wouter Bos is handling the economic crisis, Ploumen said. Others want to make a statement against anti-immigration MP Geert Wilders or just support the party because of its poor performance in the polls.
The Labour partywould win just 13 seats if there was a general election tomorrow, its worst showing since the party was founded in 1946, according to the latest Maurice de Hond opinion poll. The party currently has 33 seats in the 150-seat lower house of parliament.

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