Health managers come up with salary limit

Top managers in the healthcare sector have drawn up a plan which would limit their salaries to a maximum €220,000, according to a report in Tuesday’s Volkskrant.

The paper says that the healthcare management association NVZD and the sector’s watchdog NVTZ have reached agreement in principle on a salary scale which will deal with complaints that managers currently earn too much.
The top salary will only apply to areas in healthcare which are open to market forces, such as large hospitals and companies providing countrywide care for the elderly.
Managers working in other areas, such as youth care, would receive a maximum salary of €186,000, the same as prime minister Jan Peter Balkenende. This is currently the government’s target limit for everyone working in public service.
The proposal will be sent to the health ministry and debated in parliament on September 4.
The Telegraaf reports that on Monday health minister Ab Klink told protesting home care workers that he wanted action to curb the high salaries and golden handshakes currently being paid in some health sectors. He did not however say when this would be introduced or what the ceiling on top pay would be.

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