Hup Holland?

With the Euro 2008 football tournament still 11 days away, speculation is already mounting about how much it is going to benefit the Dutch economy, if Oranje does well of course.

Tomorrow coach Marco van Basten announces his final squad, the supermarkets are being sprayed with the scent of grass to boost sales of beer, and the orange tat is everywhere.
Retailers expect a good tournament will bring them extra sales of €100m. Researchers at ING say one in five people eat more take-aways during the tournament, 30% will drink more alcohol and 28% will buy orange flags, scarves, hats and all the other rubbish.
The longer Oranje stay in the show, the longer the retail spree continues and the more orange bunting will get hung between the houses. So there is a lot riding on Marco van Basten’s shoulders. You thought it was about football? It’s all about the economic benefits.
Still, should Oranje make an early exit, the purveyors of all things orange need not fear. The Olympics will follow a few weeks later. While hockey, swimming, equestrianism, cycling and judo may not generate the same orange-hued hysteria as football, there will be other Dutch medal hopes to watch on those brand-new wide-screen televisions.

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