Seven arrested for major investment fraud

The former deputy chairman of the Dutch association of asset managers and a former lawyer are among seven people arrested on large-scale fraud charges, report various media on Tuesday.

The pair are alleged to have swindled investors out of tens of millions of euros in shady investment deals over the last 10 years, according to the Volkskrant.
The public prosecution department in Den Bosch believes the suspects are part of a criminal organisation whose dealings reach all the way to countries such as China, the Virgin Islands and Panama, the paper reports.
Police made the arrests during raids on 14 locations in the Netherlands and Belgium on Monday morning. A firearm was found on the premises of the former lawyer, the Volkskrant says.
The two main suspects are identified as Wilfred Aalders and Thijs Bloemers by the financial website
In August 2005, Aalders was shot by one of his victims who had lost money on investments but survived the attack.

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