Steel tripod to save Anne Frank tree

Protesters trying to save the Anne Frank horse chestnut tree in Amsterdam have come up with a plan to of save it, reports Tuesday’s Volkskrant.

They want to place a flexible steel tripod around the tree to prevent it from falling over. The operation will cost €50,000.
Architect Rob Hoogendijk, co-designer of the tripod, told the Volkskrant that the design will be officially presented next Monday and that there will be no problem in raising the money.
The horse chestnut, which Anne Frank wrote about in her WWII diary, is said to be diseased and Amsterdam city council wants to cut it down and replace it with a sapling from the tree.
The felling of the tree has evoked worldwide protest and on November 21 a judge ruled that it cannot be cut down until all sides of the argument have been heard. He has given protesters until January 1 to come up with a solution.

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