Population divided on anti-Wilders front

The general public is evenly divided on the new platform being formed against Geert Wilders, leader of the anti-Islam PVV party, according to a poll in Tuesday’s AD newspaper.

Some 43% of the population supports the new movement which emerged at the weekend following a call by prominent Christian Democrat Doekle Terpstra.
He said organisations and individuals should join together to form a broad coalition against what he described as Wilders’ extreme and insulting comments about Islam.
Almost 75% of those polled said they believe Wilders’ statements, for example on the Koran, result in ‘dangerous tensions within society’.
Meanwhile a number of prominent people are behind the initiative of Terpstra who is now head of the HBO college board.
Terpstra said on tv last night that supporters include Eelco Brinkman, head of the construction industry and one of Holland’s most influential managers, Foppe de Haan, football coach for the national youth team, writer Geert Mak and former minister Annemarie Jorritsma who is now mayor of Almere.

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