
It’s that time of the year again – time to decide if you want to stay with your current health insurer or make the switch to a new improved provider.

Next year, of course, it is all going to cost more money thanks to the government’s cunning introduction of a €150 own-risk element to replace the €250 no-claims bonus.
The choice of weird and wonderful health insurance policies seems to expand daily. There are policies for people who do a lot of sport and policies for people who want to stop smoking, polices for small-business owners and policies for people who might fall in love and want to get married (seriously).
There are special policies for the under-30s and special policies for the over-50s. And now Agis has come up with a special policy for gay men and lesbians – with ‘extra pink elements’. These apparently include a list of gay-friendly hospitals and, ‘gay and lesbo buddies’ rather than home helps.
Can the choice get any wider? Yes it can. This week the National Postcode Loterij announced it has set up its own healthcare policy for members. Lottery players can save up to €300 a year if they sign up with – you guessed it, Agis.
The lottery-playing, gay 29-year-old who runs marathons has his own business and wants to stop smoking is spoiled for choice.

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