Bos wants clarity on takeover bonuses

Finance minister Wouter Bos is to force companies to make it clear how much senior managers stand to earn from a takeover, the Financieele Dagblad reports on Thursday.

The measure is in response to what Bos calls the ‘extreme reward’ that Numico chairman Jan Bennick will take home following his company’s takeover by Danone – a total of €90m in shares, options and cash.
Jean Frijns, chairman of the committee which monitors compliance with the Tabaksblat corporate governance code, has already called for takeover bonuses to be made public.
‘This [move] would make it clear what interest a manager has in a takeover,’ Bos said in a written reply to MPs’ questions.
The measure will be included in the long-awaited new regulations covering corporate takeovers, which should have been published before the summer.

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