MPs debate Essent Nuon merger

MPs will today tackle economic affairs minister Maria van der Hoeven about the planned merger between energy companies Nuon and Essent, the Financieele Dagblad reports.

The merger, which still has to be approved by the competition authority NMa, would create a company with 60% of the Dutch market.
Labour (PvdA), Socialist and GroenLinks MPs, who account for 65 seats in the 150-seat parliament, are opposed to the merger while the Christian Democrats and Liberals (VVD) (63 seats) say they would not accept a merged company spreading its wings into Europe.
An earlier report on the merger by the NMa said the combine would have to shed one million customers and two power plants in order not to damage competition.
‘The merger is not in the interests of consumers,’ said SP MP Paulus Jansen. ‘The minister can overrule the NMa.’

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