Dutch terrorist suspect extradited to US

The Netherlands has extradited a naturalised citizen to the US on terrorism charges, the justice ministry said on Saturday. Wesam al Delaema, 32, is wanted for questioning about attacks on US troops in Iraq in 2003. Last December, the appeal court ruled that Al Delaema could be extradited.

Al Dehaema will be the first foreign national to be tried in a US court for alleged terrorism during the uprising. He faces a maximum term of life.
Al Dehaema’s lawyer Victor Koppe had argued he would not get a fair trial in the US and could face torture. Al Dehaema claims he is innocent and the video he filmed of people preparing a roadside bomb was made under duress. The tape was seized when police raided his Amersfoort home in May 2005 after a tip-off from the US authorities.
The US has said Al Dehaema will be tried in a federal court rather than a military commission like the Guantanamo Bay suspects. It has also said it will not oppose him serving his sentence in a Dutch jail if convicted, the International Herald Tribune reported.

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