Horse rescue efforts continue in Friesland

Efforts to rescue around 100 horses, stranded in the middle of floodwater after Wednesday’s early morning storm, continued today under the full gaze of the media.

Last night, the army was called in to help try to bring the horses to safety on floating pontoons – but this was abandonned when the flood waters began receding.
Hope is now pinned on using other horses to tempt the stranded animals into walking to safety. However, as the floodwater has not receded as fast as rescue workers had hoped, that plan may now have to wait until tomorrow, according to NOS television.
In the meantime, the horses are being fed hay, and vets are monitoring their condition.
Hundreds of sightseers have turned up to watch the ongoing rescue efforts outside the Frisian village of Marrum. At least 18 horses are now thought to have died whilst trying to swim to safety. The horses had been grazing outside the protective dykes when the flood waters started to rise.
Frisian police and animal welfare inspectors are trying to determine if criminal charges should be brought against the owner. The local mayor has already suggested that she should be made liable for the cost of the rescue efforts.
The horses’ owner said she had been trying to bring the animals to safety when they were scared off by other people.

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