D66 call for pension age hike by 2024

An increase in the state pension age to 67, spending cuts of €15bn over the next four years and limits to mortgage tax relief are among the main policy initiatives in the D66 election manifesto, party chairman Joris Backer told tv show Buitenhof on Sunday.

The Liberal democratic party wants to ditch the two-step pension increase plan worked out by the current cabinet and replace it with two year increase phased in over 12 years. The increase will generate €4bn a year for the treasury, Backer said.
In addition, the €29bn-worth of cuts necessary to get government spending back under control will take place over eight years, with €15bn of cuts earmarked for the first four years. More details of where the cuts will take place will be included in the full manifesto, which will be published later, he said.
The party wants to reduce unemployment benefit to one year, but increase the pay-out for the first three months to 80%. And it wants to limit the generous mortgage tax relief system – a politically sensitive issue.
The left-wing green party GroenLinks is set to publish its manifesto for the June 9 vote on Monday afternoon.
Kathalijne Buitenweg, who chairs the manifesto committee, told Buitenhof her party wants to scrap mortgage tax relief in its entirety by 2040.
The party also plans to invest heavily in education and reduce the size of the government apparatus. In particular, it wants to cut the number of MPs in the lower house of parliament from 150 to 100.

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